How to Hire the Perfect Paralegal

The objective of this article is to provide useful and practical tips when selecting the Perfect ParalegalSelecting the perfect paralegal is like selecting the perfect mechanic or hair stylist. Once you find the right one you will go anywhere in the universe to get your car or hair done to your satisfaction.  A common perception among individuals looking for legal services is that if the job is to be done right, it must be done with an attorney. But if you are preparing to file a divorce and cannot afford an attorney, you may want to get some assistance from a paralegal. Maybe you and your spouse have already agreed on how to split your assets and debts but do not know how to prepare the divorce papers. Hiring a paralegal will ensure your court papers are completed and filed correctly while saving you money.

Step One
Interview a few paralegals over the phone to see which paralegal you are comfortable working with.

Step Two
Word of mouth is always helpful because someone else has tried the service or worked with the paralegal.

Step Three
Prepare a list of questions to ask the Paralegal before calling for interview or appointment so that you will be well prepared.

Step Four
Make sure you understand which fees are included in the service.

Step Five
Make a checklist of all documents needed when you go to meet with the paralegal. We have put together a  list of common documents needed when filing for divorce.  Download your Free Checklist HERE

By Dawn Felt, Paralegal at Attorneys Best Choice

For more information on our paralegal services visit us at Attorneys Best Choice

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Orange County Family Law Court


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