
This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission rules for Disclosure Compliance for bloggers and other social media users.  These rules are set forth to ensure that the public is aware when a blogger or other presenter is being compensated for recommending a product or service.   Read the FTC's Endorsement Guide here.

On occasion, I accept a small compensation as an affiliate for some of the products or services mentioned in my blog posts.  This is at no additional charge to you.

How do I receive compensation?  

I receive compensation through affiliate links.  These are links located within the blog articles which take you, the reader to another company's website to view the product or service mentioned in the post.  By clicking on the link, I am identified as an affiliate and will receive a small commission for any purchases made through that link.

The prices are exactly the same whether you purchase through an affiliate link or not.  There is no additional cost to you for using the affiliate link.

My Promise to You

I do not recommend any product or services that I do not use myself or have verified and truly believe are worthy of my recommendation.

Amazon Associates Program

I participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn Amazon fees by linking to Amazon.com & affiliated sites.


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